Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Suffering Bastard

If you're really into mixed drinks, you may have heard of this one before. I had not. Until I came across it in the papers of a lieutenant colonel serving in Britain's Special Operations Executive. The man had parachuted into Burma during World War II to organize resistance among the Karen hill tribes. He conducted sabotage and ambush operations against the Japanese in intensely unforgiving jungle terrain. Clearly, the man earned the title "suffering bastard" (and by "bastard" I mean hero, in case you had any doubts).

So how do you make a suffering bastard? I came across several recipes on the internet, but none of them were given by SOE veterans who dropped into the jungle to fight the bad guys. So here's my man's recipe, taken from the scrawlings I found on the top of a page in the archives:

4 dashes of Angostura bitters
1 part gin
1 part rum
juice of 1 lime
ginger ale
slice of lemon

So give it a try! If you don't like it, blame the brave men who saved the world (or just try a different version).

Today's image comes from Trader Vic's. It does not represent an SOE-certified suffering bastard, but another variation.

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Friday, November 05, 2010

A New Religious Community

The Quincy House would like to announce the formation of a new religious community, the Society of Sts. Columba and Francis Xavier (SSCFX). In light of various technological developments and theological discussions, the need for SSCFX has become quite clear. The Society will dedicate itself to a three-fold mission:

(1) Ministering to those members of the human race who are beyond the atmosphere of Planet Earth.

(2) Evangelizing any ensouled extraterrestrial species which (a) might be encountered by human beings, (b) be in need of redemption and, (c) by God's grace, have His mercy available to them.

(3) Combating the heresy of axenoism, which claims that other ensouled races cannot exist because the Incarnation can only redeem humanity. This heresy is an affront to the power of God, Who may redeem any He so chooses, and by any means.

Formal approval of SSCFX by the Holy See is pending, but Proto-Abbot James Thomas Kennelly is already accepting donations. For further information, please email

Image courtesy of the Weekly World News .

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Friday, July 02, 2010

Introducing the Quincy

As faithful readers will recall, there was a time when the Men of Quincy were trying to come up with a signature house cocktail.

Some time ago a Quincyite was in a bar, wanting to order some Jim Beam on the rocks with a splash of bitters. Though not a particularly complicated order, he regretted having to use so much verbiage to describe it. And then, in a flash of brilliance, two problems were solved and the "Quincy" was born. It has been growing steadily in popularity ever since.

Last weekend I was on Long Island for a wedding. I was pleased to observe that a variety of guests at the reception were ordering Quincies from the bartenders. (And, for the sake of full disclosure, let me clarify: neither I nor JT, the other housemate present, led this rush of orders.)

So next time you need a some cheap bourbon over ice, with the pleasure of bitters, save yourself some breath and simply ask for a Quincy.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Quincy Ark, an adaptation

After a recent viewing of Alexander Sokurov's 2002 film Russian Ark there was a lively discussion among the house members recognizing the parallels between the two venerable historical institutions, the Hermitage Museum and the Quincy House. This lead to the development of a short film treatment.

Quincy Ark - Screen Treatment

Narrator/Camera view point - Nathan

Vignette 1 - Front of house
Coffee House revelers two men and two women are walking up to the house with narrator following.
Revelers go around the side of the house. Men are lagging behind women jostling for position as one claims a female.

Vignette 2 - Below back porch
Revelers go up the back stairs while narrator bumps into Santi at bottom of stairs, both go below stairs under house walk by window looking through to see Jeremiah Cunningham and Col. Brooks working on his still discussing the founding of the house.

Vignette 3 Back yard

Santi and narrator are interupted by loud noise behind them, turn around to find rugby players loudly reveling in the back yard. Santi and narrator wander through the partying crowd. No one notices them and Santi urges caution, discusses their petty jockishness while being drawn to the reality of their vital debauchery. One jock on the periphery notices santi and chases the pair off.

Vignette 4 In the basement

Enter the basement through the outside door. Come upon period couple and child huddling in corner whispering in fear. Discussing the know nothing riots. Santi recalls the fire to the narrator. They walk past and up the stairs.

Vignette 5 - The hallway/bathroom door.

Reaching the top of the stairs the two walk to the bathroom door. Santi motions as if to enter. Narrator cautions strongly and fearfully against it. Open door see house resident in bath tub scrubbing. Resident remarks about the terror of trying to clean the bathroom. Scares out Santi and Narrator.

Vignette 6 - Fireplace half of Living room - Scotch tasting

Santi and narrator enter the room to a resident (perhaps in some sort of period clothing) giving an introduction to a scotch with much pomp and circumstance. Santi quietly mocks while narrator disagrees. Both mention not knowing the taste of alcohol any more. Move to the dining room.

Vignette 7 - Dining room - contemporary people

Enter the dining room with 3 contemporary people, one staring at the St Bridget poster, one investigating beer on the table, and one looking at the movie shelf. Narrator and stanti move to the person at the movie shelf who is now holding a bergman film. Santi questions the person and ultimately berates them for a lack of taste in film.

Vignette 8 - (optional) Kitchen scene

Narrator tires of santi's conversation and wanders to the Kitchen, enters kitchen sees landlord fixing broken diswasher muttering about students trashing the place. Is approached by "re-founding" members of the house. Discuss their idea for a house of Catholic men.

Vignette 9 - Living room other half

Narrator begins to search for Santi again. Wanders through dining room now full of people talking. Sees performers in the stage area who begin to play music. walks through the area finds Santi hitting on some woman. Tries to talk with him, but Santi ignores/can't hear him. Band finishes song and people applaud, start to get up and make their way out. Narrator sees original couple that was entering now sitting hand in hand on couch. Narrator finds Santi standing there and they converse, Santi says he is staying. narrator makes it out to the front door, and out the window on the door one only sees water.

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Who Was Jeremiah Cunningham?

In light of the theme for the next Quincy coffee house, some might be asking: Who was Jeremiah Cunningham? An excellent question.

According to the prestigious and reputable Wikipedia, Jeremiah Cunningham (1756-1845) came from a colonial family of some means and attended the College of William & Mary. In the summer of 1781 he settled in what would become the District of Columbia, building the first Quincy House (though the house would not receive the name until 1796).

Cunningham was a founding member of the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity, and was a friend to such historical figures as William Short, Dr. William Thornton, Lt. Col. Franklin Wharton and Col. Jehiel Brooks.

Though a professed Anglican, Cunningham was a friend of both the Catholic and Anglican bishops of Maryland, and there were rumors that - like his second cousin, Edmund Burke - he may have been a crypto-Catholic. In any case, we know he was a man of letters and a distiller of scotch whiskey. What about that is not worth celebrating?

I regret the absence of a picture, but I have not yet been able to find one of our esteemed founder.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Quincy: The Drink

There has been talk of late about creating a mixed drink that is uniquely Quincy: a signature cocktail that would be the Quincy House in a glass.

What, you ask, would such a drink entail? An excellent question, and one we've been asking ourselves. At this point the Quincy cocktail is still in the concept stage, but previous discussions have suggested that it be strong, bitter, and complex.

Suggestions for ingredients? A name? Please, share!

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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Projects Underway at the House

So I am feeling a little overwhelmed by all of the projects that myself and other housemates are working on at the moment, so I thought I would take a break from the craziness and enumerate them.

We are at the moment:

Planning a the first off-site Coffee House 1.5 weeks
Planning an American Whiskey Tasting in 2 weeks
Working on 3 separate freelancing web site projects
Trying to start a T-Shirt company
Beginning promotion for our Band
Finishing up creating a new musical instrument
Planning an Easter dinner for 20+
Encoding a DVD for the nun film project
Mixing down 3 live performances from the 24bit multi-track files
Practicing music for 3 gigs

And I'm sure there are some other happenings in there somewhere. At least things aren't getting boring.

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