After the two bodies were fused the next step was to route out the space for the keyboard to fit in. Doing this required a tool that I don't have, a router. Now since this is a rough economy and I don't have a lot of cash to throw around on tools I'm only going to use infrequently. Enter
Chicago Electric, cheap tools in both sense of the word. This router is basically holding an electric motor in the palm of your hand with some cheap plastic casing. But it was only $20 and this project has been mostly eyeballed, so no complaints.

Next I set up a gate so that the sides would be straight. The gate was clamped down, and the body was lined up and clamped down as well.

Finally the guard on the router, even though it's a cheap piece of aluminum, it got the job done.

And the resulting product:

Stay tuned next time for refinishing the body!
Labels: diy, fun, guitar, instrument, keytar, music
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