Introducing the Quincy

Some time ago a Quincyite was in a bar, wanting to order some Jim Beam on the rocks with a splash of bitters. Though not a particularly complicated order, he regretted having to use so much verbiage to describe it. And then, in a flash of brilliance, two problems were solved and the "Quincy" was born. It has been growing steadily in popularity ever since.
Last weekend I was on Long Island for a wedding. I was pleased to observe that a variety of guests at the reception were ordering Quincies from the bartenders. (And, for the sake of full disclosure, let me clarify: neither I nor JT, the other housemate present, led this rush of orders.)
So next time you need a some cheap bourbon over ice, with the pleasure of bitters, save yourself some breath and simply ask for a Quincy.
Labels: alcohol, house events
Why did you leave the sugar out of your Old Fashioneds? Is it a metaphor? Are you all just saying that you are old-fashioned with out any the sweetness ordinarily considered to be associated with old-fashioned things?
Joshua, at 3:58 PM, July 02, 2010
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